Select Letters
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Not Available
The Satires of Horace
Niall Rudd
The Art of the "Odyssey"
Howard W Clarke
The Story of the "Iliad"
ET Owen
UE Paoli
De Imperio
Marcus Tullius Cicero
The Art of the "Aeneid"
William S Anderson
Latin Poets and Roman Life
Jasper Griffin
The Roman Novel
P G Walsh
Criticism in Antiquity
D A Russell
Richard Tyrrell Wallis
The Presocratics
Edward Hussey
The Satires of Persius
Cynthia S Dessen and 1 more
The Poet Lucan
Mark P O Morford
Roman Poetry and Propaganda in the Age of Augustus
Anton Powell
History of Cynicism
Donald R Dudley and 1 more
Milton and the Transformation of Ancient Epic
Charles Martindale